Monday, February 21, 2011

Filamentous Algae and Cutrine Plus: The Treatment of “Pond Scum”

What people commonly refer to as "pond scum" is likely Filamentous algae.  Filamentous algae is a single-celled algae that forms long visible chains, threads, or filaments.  These strands will clump together and form mats that resemble wool or hair.  Filamentous algae begins to grow at the bottom of lakes and ponds where the water is shallow, or will attach to rocks and other aquatic plants.  It may then detach and float to the surface where it forms large mats. 
Cutrine Plus is a non-restricted algaecide that can used in waterways and potable resevoirs.  It is available in liquid or granular and is an excellent choice when trying to control Filamentous algae.
Cutrine Plus granular should be applied at a rate of 10 pounds per 1/6 surface acre (7,260 sq ft).  Cutrine Plus liquid should be applied at a rate of 0.6 gal per 1 acre foot.   

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