Monday, November 7, 2011

Winter Ecology:

The winter ecology of a pond varies by region, but for us in Ohio, winters can be harsh and animals must be able to properly adapt to the environment.   For aquatic plants and animals, the ice acts as a lid on the aquatic ecosystem which limits the amount of nutrients, energy, and oxygen that may enter this world of extremely stable temperatures.

Ectothermic animals (body temperature stays in equilibrium with surroundings) slow their metabolism, become sluggish, conserve oxygen and energy in semihibernation or undergo biochemical changes to tolerate the cold.

Semiaquatic animals must compensate for the heat loss by constant grooming with oily secretions (muskrats), heat shunting mechanisms by reducing the amount of blood flow to tails and feet (beavers), or by huddling in nests.

Poikilotherms are organisms that allow their internal body temperature to vary with the external temperature in their environment.  This includes certain types of fish, reptiles, and amphibians.  This practice allows the animal to reduce or increase their metabolism accordingly.   

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