Friday, November 22, 2013

Caring for Koi in Winter


Caring for Koi in Winter

Koi are a symbol of love in many cultures.

Koi are an ornamental variety of the common carp that many watergarden owners enjoy keeping.  These beautiful fish are most active in water temperatures ranging from 59-77 degrees.  However, Koi can easily be kept in the colder Midwest temperatures with proper care.  When water temperatures drop to forty degrees, Koi will hibernate.  When Koi go into this state of hibernation, it is not necessary to feed the fish and they will generally stop coming to the surface to be fed.  As long as the surface of the water does not ice over for more than a day or two, the Koi will survive the winter in this state with little or no care.  However, if the surface of the water ices over for longer periods of time, the fish can be deprived of oxygen resulting in a fish kill.  It is important to maintain a small hole in the ice to allow for the exchange of gasses.  Without this exchange of gasses, the decomposing matter and other animals can remove the oxygen from the water causing the Koi to suffocate.  There are different methods of keeping the water open.  Small aerator bubblers, such as the PondAir(tm) or KoiAir(tm), and deicers are both effective.  The bubblers come in a variety of sizes and AQUA DOC's Aquatic Specialists will assist in choosing the correct unit for any size watergarden.  Koi are a lovely addition to a watergarden and with proper care, will enhance enjoyment for years to come.

If you have any questions or would like further information, contact us any time.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Here's to open waters.

~The Frogger Blogger

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